UN 'Pact for the Future' Wants to Impose Vaccine Passports and Mass Censorship – CienciaySaludNatural.com
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The UN proposals are a copy of the agendas of other international organizations, such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), which promotes the “ Great Reset ” and the “ Fourth Industrial Revolution .”
Among the proposals to be discussed at the 79th UN General Assembly is the Compact for the Future , described by the UN as an "opportunity to create international mechanisms that better reflect the realities of the 21st century and can respond to the challenges and opportunities of today and tomorrow. "
Essentially, the Summit and the Future Pact are a relaunch of the Great Reset “They both talk about reshaping our world, which includes the desire to transform the financial system and implement global governance around issues such as climate change, healthcare and everything related to the SDGs” ( Sustainable Development Goals )
World leaders will meet later this month in New York to discuss proposals that critics say would enshrine global digital identification and online censorship and give the United Nations (UN) secretary-general unprecedented emergency powers.
Continue Reading - https://www.nouvelles-du-monde.com/le-pacte-pour-lavenir-de-lonu-veut-imposer-des-passeports-vaccinaux-et-une-censure-massive-cienciaysaludnatural-com/