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It is incredible how the United Nations General Assembly is permitting this situation to be, following the script of the kabuki theater almost as if there were part of the same religious sect acting in accordance with a dogma ... The UNGA is farcically failing to their dutys to preserve the peace, to help the palestinian population, in a dangerous (to not said "criminal" who seems to be more accurate term) negligent way, not using as Dr. Boyle insist in remember, the Uniting for Peace once and for all, to stop the carnage, and to do some inmediate justice recognizing Palestine as full member of the UN and imposing sanctions to Israel as to prohibiting them to participate in the Assembly and the right to vote. Israel have no red lines in their actions, and only brutal force will stop them to continue their annihilation of palestinian life as a whole, clearly their goal with this "war on children" and women, destroying their repreoductive capacities, a war on scholars and medical services, a war on hospitals and schools and elder, a war on innocent men. For Israel they are all "Hamas", and they had said and repeat without pause: "the war will continue until we destroy Hamas". Their "Final Solution". Where is the UNGA moral and service to humanity? The Kabuki theater will continue with another stupid chapter as every chapter until now? The UN is destroying itself, letting fall down the world into the "rule" of the most barbaric mafia gang ever.

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